Thursday, March 18, 2010


Brandon and Wyatt (along with Collin, Brandon's friend, and Buddy, my brother) went to the NASCAR race in Las Vegas at the end of February. We have a neighbor that buys tickets every year, but couldn't go this year. The timing wasn't the best (we just got home from a week long cruise 10 days earlier), but they decided to go anyway. We are not NASCAR fans, we don't follow all the races and the drivers, but Brandon and Wyatt had a great time anyway and have possibly picked up a new hobby. Waiting for the race to start - it was warm. You will notice that they purchased new, white T-shirts before the race was over.
My favorite candy, err, I mean car !?!
Detour to the Hoover Dam Bridge - what an amazing site! It is almost complete.

Getting ready for the race.

Decked out in new (cooler) shirts and listening to the scanner. They could tune in to conversations between the drivers and the pit crew.